Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
T  hey say I'm fi  ne just a little bit
L  ost in my m  ind then they ask me
"  Why don't I h  ave faith   in above
Cause h  e could save a  ll that you l  ove"
They s  ay that they pray to a G  od that I know doesn't li  sten
Then they w  ait for the grave and b  ehave as if he would f  orgive them
But the th  ings they've do  ne are fa  r too   bad  
And a   God who   for  gives   the  m is not a God I'd have
They'll u  se his "lo  ve" to co  ver u  p their t  racks
Well I  'm not i  nto t  hat                
B  reathe down their n  ecks just a little bit
W  atch as the s  weat starts to collect
A  s I ask th  em what they've do  ne
For the a  ffection t  hat they have w  on
They s  aid that they beg with a G  od that had bled to cre  ate them
To a  bsolve all their sins give them h  ymns make them sing then repe  at them oh
But the t  hings they've d  one are f  ar to  o ba  d
And a   God who   for  gives   the  m is not a God I'd have
They'll u  se his "lo  ve" to co  ver u  p their t  racks
Well I  'm not i  nto t  hat                       
Conf  ess to your sin at the en  d
And sh  ow him you truly repe  nt
For in li  fe you were crooked and be  nt and we  ak
Then r  each out your arms to the l  ight
But r  eady yourselves for a f  ight
For your ri  ght to a life after li  fe's in his ha  nds
His ha  nds
But the t  hings they've d  one are f  ar to  o ba  d
And a   God who   for  gives   the  m is not a God I'd have
They'll u  se his "lo  ve" to co  ver u  p their t  racks
Well I  'm not i  nto
The th  ings they've do  ne are fa  r too   bad  
And a   God who   for  gives   the  m is not a God I'd have
They'll u  se his "lo  ve" to co  ver u  p their t  racks
Well I  'm not i  nto t  ha                                     


smhalino, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-11-27
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