Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
W  hen you look at the w  orld
W  hat is it that you s  ee?
P  eople find all k  inds of things
That b  ring them to their knees
I   see an exp  ression
S  o clear and so t  rue
T  hat it changes the a  tmosphere
When you w  alk into the room
So I t  ry to be like y  ou
Try to f  eel it like you d  o
But witho  ut you it's no u  se
I can't s  ee what you see
When I look at the w  orld               
W  hen the night is someone e  lse's
A  nd you're trying to get some s  leep
W  hen you're thoughts are too exp  ensive
To e  ver want to keep
W  hen there's all kinds of c  haos
A  nd everyone is walking l  ame
Y  ou don't even blink now d  o you
Or e  ven look away
S  o I try to be l  ike you
Try to f  eel it like you d  o
But witho  ut you it's no u  se
I can't s  ee what you see
When I look at the w  orld  
I can't w  ait any l  onger
I can't w  ait till I'm s  tronger
Can't w  ait any l  onger
To see what y  ou see
When I look at the w  orld              
I  'm in the waiting r  oom
C  an't see for the s  moke
I   think of you and your h  oly book
While the r  est of us choke
T  ell me t  ell me w  hat do you s  ee?
T  ell me t  ell me w  hat's wrong with m  e?


marvelousbob42, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-11-06
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