Artistes :

Titres :


Capo IV
Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
Intro :         (x4)
S  ome days   are dry   some days are leaky
S  ome days   come clean   other days are sneaky
S  ome days take less but most   days take more
Some s  lip through   your fingers and   onto the floor
S  ome days   you're quick but   most days you're speedy
S  ome days you   use more   force than is necessary
S  ome days just drop   in on us
S  ome days   are better than   others
Some d  ays it   all adds up
A  nd what you   got is   not enough
Some d  ays are   better than others
S  ome days are   slippy   other days sloppy
S  ome days you   can't stand the   sight of a puppy
Your s  kin is white but you   think you're a brother
S  ome days are   better than   others
S  ome days you   wake up   with her complaining
S  ome sunny days   you wish   it was raining
S  ome days are sulky some   days have a grin
And s  ome days have   bouncers and   won't let you in
Some d  ays you   hear a voice
T  aking   you to an  other place
Some d  ays are   better than others
S  ome days are   honest   some days are not
S  ome days you're   thankful for   what you've got
S  ome days you wake up in the   army
And s  ome days   it's the   enemy
S  ome days are   work   most days you're lazy
S  ome days you   feel like a   bit of a baby
L  ookin' for Jesus and   His mother
S  ome days are   better than   others
Some d  ays you   feel ahead
You're m  aking   sense of   what she said
Some d  ays are   better than others
Some d  ays you   hear a voice
T  aking   you to an  other place
Some d  ays are   better than others


Bobbywind, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-23
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