Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
Intro :           
T  he door was open I was seethin  g
Y  our mother burst in it was fre  ezing
S  he said it looks like it's tryin  g to   rain
I   was lost I felt sea s  ick
Y  ou convinced me that he'd   left
Y  ou said keep talking but don't use a  ny names  
I   scolded your driver and your brother
We are old enough to know how long you've been hooked           
A  nd we've all been through the war
And each time you score
Someone gets hauled and handcuffed and booked             
I  t felt like four in the mornin  g
W  hat sounded like fire w  orks
T  urned out to be just what   it   was
T  he stars looked like diamon  ds
T  hen came the sirens     
A  nd everyone started   to cu  ss
A  ll the noise was disturbing
And I couldn't find Irving
It was like two stations on at the sam  e time
A  nd then I hid your car keys
And I made black coffee
And I dumped out the rest of the r  um   
N  ick and Socorro broke u  p
A  nd Candice wouldn't shut   up
F  in he recorded   the whole thing  
R  ay he said damn you     
A  nd someone broke my camera    
A  nd it was New Years
A  nd we all started to sin  g
S  hould auld acquaintan  ce be forgot an  d never brou  ght to mind    
S  hould auld acquaintanc  e be forgot for   the sake   of auld   lang   syne
I   was leaving in the morning with Charles for Las Vegas
And I didn't plan to come b  ack
I   had only a few things
Two hundred dollars
And my records in a brown paper sack        
I   ran out on Sheila  
E  verything's in storage  
C  alvin's right I should go ba  ck to driving tru  ck
S  hould auld acquaintan  ce be forgot an  d never brou  ght to mind    
S  hould auld acquaintanc  e be forgot for   the sake   of auld   lang   syne


DJAMESHIE, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-11-03
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