Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Tom Petty
Tonalité :
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
Intro :                        
I  t's time to move o  ntim  e to get go  ing
W  hat lies ah  ead I have n  o way of k  nowing
B  ut under my f  eetbabyg  rass is g  rowing
I  t's time to move   on it  's time to get go  ing
B  roken s  kyline   movin' through the a  irport
S  he's an honest def  lector
C  onscientious obj  ector
Now her own prot  ector
B  roken s  kyline   which way to l  ove land
W  hich way to something b  etter
W  hich way to forg  iveness
Which way do I g  o
T  ime to move o  n ti  me to get go  ing
W  hat lies ah  ead I have n  o way of k  nowing
B  ut under my f  eet baby g  rass is g  rowing
I  t's time to move o  n tim  e to get go  ing
S  ometime l  ater g  etting the w  ords wrong
W  asting the m  eaning and l  osing the r  hyme
N  auseous a  drenalin
L  ike breakin' up a d  ogfight
L  ike a deer in the h  eadlights
F  rozen in r  eal time
I'm losing   my mind
T  ime to move o  n ti  me to get go  ing
W  hat lies a  head I have n  o way of k  nowing
B  ut under my f  eet baby g  rass is g  rowing
I  t's time to move o  n it'  s time to get go  ing


rider-43, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-24
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