Artistes :

Titres :

Tonalité :
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
W  hat you've got to do is finish what you have begun
I   don't know just how but it's not   over till you've won
W  hen you see the storm is comin' See the l  ightning part the skies
I  t's no place to   run There's t  error in your e  yes
What you d  o then is rem  ember this old thi  ng you heard me sa  y
It's this s  torm n  ot yo  u that's bo  und to blow awa  y
H  old on Hold on to s  omeone standin by
H  old on don't even a  sk how long or why
Child hold o  n to what you k  now is true
H  old on until you g  et through
C  hild O  h child...  .. Hold o  n
W  hen you feel your heart is poundin' Fear a d  evil's at your door
T  here's no place to h  ide You're f  rozen to the f  loor
What you d  o then is you f  orce yourself to w  ake up and you s  ay
It's this d  ream n  ot me   that's bou  nd to go aw  ay
H  old on Hold on the n  ight will soon be by
H  old on and think of s  omething else to try
Child hold o  n there's angels o  n their way
H  old on and hear them s  ay
C  hild O  h chi  ld
A  nd it doesn't even matter if the d  anger and the doom
Come from u  p above or d  own below
Or   just come flying at you from   across the ro  om
When you s  ee a man who's raging And he's j  ealous and he fears
That you've w  alked through walls he's hid behind for y  ears
What you d  o then is you t  ell yourself to w  ait it out you s  ay
It's this d  ay n  ot m  e that's b  ound to go a  way
C  hild   Hol  d on
It's this d  ay n  ot y  ou that's b  ound   to        go      a-w  ay           


Pierreguitar, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-19
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