Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles :Roy Robinson
Musique :Antonio Barbosa Verissimo
Tonalité :
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
Intro :              
  Somedays she's an eagle flying   high
Re  aching for heights unfore  seen
Tr  ying to cope w  ith the bo  dy
Of a wom  an and the   mind of a   child
She'd left beh  ind
The child she'd always   been    
She's a l  ady l  ady lady lady l  ady  
She'll always b  e in   my he  art                    
E  ven in the e  nd as a st  art                   
She's a l  ady lady l  ady lady l  ady  
We'll never b  e far   apa  rt                   
E  ven in the end w  hen tear drops st  art  
  Sometimes she will hide a broken   ring
A  shamed to let you s  ee
So  me foolish thing    that's so s  mall
It doesn't m  atter but to h  er
It's a t  hing she couldn't s  hare
She can not make a sce  ne      
  Seasons will take her by surp  rise
Ch  anging her life and her dr  eams
  Sometimes she   thinks   that she
i  sn't gonna ma  ke it
So you're t  here
To ca  tch her in the a  ir
Before she's fallen f  ree     
She's a l  ady l  ady lady lady l  ady  
She'll always b  e in   my he  art                    
E  ven in the e  nd as a st  art   
She's a l  ady l  ady lady lady l  ady  
She'll always b  e in   my he  art                    
E  ven in the e  nd as a st  art                   
She's a l  ady l  ady lady lady l  ady  
We'll never be   far    apart                       
E  ven in the e  nd as a st  art                   
She's a l  ady lady l  ady lady l  ady   


RockLisa, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-10-24
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