Artistes :

Titres :

Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
S  aturday summers when I   was a kid
We'd ru  n to the school yard and h  ere's what we did
We'd p  ick out the c  aptains and we'd c  hoose up the t  eams
It was a  lways a measure of m  y self esteem.
Cause the f  astest the strongest played s  hortstop and first
The l  ast ones they picked were the w  orst.
I   never needed to ask it was sealed
I just t  ook up my place in right f  ield.
Playing r  ight field its e  asy you know
Y  ou can be a  wkward y  ou can be s  low
That's why I  'm here in r  ight field
Just w  atching the d  andelions g  row.
Playing r  ight field can be l  onely and dull
L  ittle leagues never have l  efties that pull
I d  ream of the d  ay when they h  it one my w  ay
T  hey never did but still I wou  ld pray
That I'd m  ake a fanta  stic c  atch on the r  un
And n  ot lose the b  all in the s  un.
And t  hen I'd awa  ke from this l  ong reveri  e
And p  ray that the b  all never c  ame out to m  e.
Here in r  ight field its e  asy you know
Y  ou can be a  wkward y  ou can be s  low
That's why I  'm here in r  ight field
Just w  atching the d  andelions g  row.
O  ff in the distance the g  ame's dragging on
There's s  trikes on the batter some r  unners are on
I d  on't know the i  nning I've forg  otten the s  core.
The w  hole team is yelling and I d  on't know what for.
S  uddenly e  veryone's l  ooking at m  e
My m  ind has been w  andering w  hat could it b  e?
They p  oint to the s  ky and I l  ook up ab  ove
And the b  aseball falls i  nto my g  love!
Here in r  ight field Its i  mportant you k  now
You gotta k  now how to c  atch you gotta k  now how to t  hrow
That's why I  'm here in right   field
Just w  atching the d  andelions g  row.                                


enzobar, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-10-13
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