Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Patricia Ann Peterson
Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
Intro :                 
L  isten children t  o a story th  at was written lo  ng ago
'  Bout a kingdom o  n a mountain an  d the valley fo  lk below
O  n the mountain w  as a treasure b  uried deep benea  th a stone
A  nd the valley pe  ople swore they'd ha  ve it for their ve  ry ow  n.   
G  o ahead and hate your ne  ighbor g  o ahead and cheat a fri  end
D  o it in the name of he  aven you can ju  stify it in the en  d
There w  on't be any trumpets b  lowing c  ome the judgment d  ay
On the b  loody morning after              one   tin soldier rides away.       
S  o the people of   the valley se  nt a message u  p the hill
A  sking for the bu  ried treasure ton  s of gold for whi  ch they'd kill
C  ame an answer fr  om the kingdom: "Wit  h our brothers w  e will share
A  ll the secrets o  f our mountain al  l the riches b  uried t  here."    
G  o ahead and hate your ne  ighbor g  o ahead and cheat a fri  end
D  o it in the name of he  aven you can ju  stify it in the en  d
There w  on't be any trumpets b  lowing c  ome the judgment d  ay
On the bl  oody morning after -            one t  in soldier rides away.           
N  ow the valley cri  ed with anger m  ount your horses dr  aw your sword!
A  nd they killed the mou  ntain people su  re they'd won their j  ust rew  ard
N  ow they stood besi  de the treasure o  n the mountain da  rk and red
T  urned the stone and lo  oked beneath it -
"  Peace on Earth" was al  l it sai  d.    
G  o ahead and hate your ne  ighbor g  o ahead and cheat a fri  end
D  o it in the name of he  aven you can ju  stify it in the en  d
T  here won't be any trumpets blowi  ng co  me the judgment da  y
On the bl  oody morning afte  r one tin soldier rides away  .     


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-29
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