Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Peter M Cincotti
Tonalité :
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
   You know I care for y  ou
But p  retend and lead me on that's all you d  o
I t  ry to still believe but now I'm t  hrough
A  nd the only place I see is c  alling out to m  e
It's the o  nly place I know
It's the p  lace where I must g  o      
On the m  oon   that's where you'll find me s  oon   
I'll be a  lone again
T  hat's okay I must be on my o  wn again   
I'll be waiting on the m  oon for y  ou
I   sit and reminice for many h  ours
I   miss the rain and all the pretty f  lowers
I dr  eam of all the cities and their t  owers
And I h  ope you wonder w  hy    
I'm ly  ing in the s  ky
I'll even l  et you in for free
If you c  ome and visit m  e     
On the m  oon   that's where you'll find me s  oon     
I'll be a  lone again   
And a  ll I'll do is to lie there till I d  ie there      
Waiting on the m  oon for y  ou    
Would you ever even d  ream   to go to the extr  eme   
And would you ever wanna b  e th  e one to rescue me  
On the m  oon   that's where you'll find me s  oon   
All a  lone again    
Unwin  ding there and praying that you'll f  ind me there   
Waiting on the m  oon for y  ou
On the m  oon   that's where you'll find me s  oon   
And still your f  ace will be ha  unting me
So i  f you're ever wanting   me      
I'll be waiting on the m  oon for y  ou


[anonyme], version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2023-05-31
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