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  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
B  ig and fat pig's supposed to look like that
B  arnyard thug sleeps on straw and he calls it a rug
Y  eah it's a rug OK he's walking down the street
And no  body's going to argue with him he's a half-a-ton of pig meat
  Up i  n the hil  ls abov  e the   farm    
Lives a pa  ck of   wolv  es never did   no har  m    
Sle  ep all   day   hunt   till   four  
Maybe ca  tch a cou  ple of rode  nts you know   carni  vore   
S  heep i  n the meadow ni  bbling o  n some clover
O  ne of   those sheep just wan  ders   over
S  its b  y a rock sep  arate  d from the flock
   He's just si  tting by a rock    
Where did he go?
I don't know
Well he was here a minute ago
I don't know
Sheep's dead
Got a gash as big as a wolf's head
Oh God
B  ig a  nd fat   pig  's supposed to loo  k like that  
W  allowi  ng in lanol  in he's ru  bbing it in  to his pig  skin
Oh poli  ce are go  in crazy   sayin
"Let's ge  t him   let's ge  t that wolf"
"Let's ge  t him   let's ge  t that wolf"
"Let's ge  t him let's ki  ll him let's ge  t him let's kill him"
Cou  rt-appo  inted lawyer wa  sn't ve  ry bright
Or ma  ybe he wa  s bright maybe   it was just a la  te night
Yeah it was ju  st a lat  e night and he files som  e feeble app  eal
And the go  vernor sa  ys "forget it it  's a done   deal"
"There's an ele  ction I   don't care ele  ction I'll gi  ve that wolf a letha  l injec  tion"
"Let's get him   let's ge  t that wolf"
"Let's g  et him   let's get that wolf"
"  Let's ge  t him let's kill him let's ge  t him let's kill him"
"Let's get him kill him le  t's get him let's kill him let's" -- a  h
Whew slow
Here comes the media
With their their camera
Asking everybody's opinion
About pigs sheep and wolves
B  ig a  nd fat   pig  's supposed to laug  h like that  
"Th  is is   hilar  ious wh  at a gre  at ti  me"
"I'm the pi  g wh  o commit  ted the per  fect crime"         
Ah h  a ha h  a ha h  eheheheh  eheh  ehe  
A  ll aro  und the world Fr  ance and Sca  ndinavia
Ca  ndle-li  ght vigils pro  testin  g behavior
It's an  imal b  ehavior          
It's an  imal b  ehavior          
It's pi  gs sheep and wolves
Pigs sheep and wolves
Pigs sheep and wolves
It's animal behavior
It's pigs sheep and wolves


Kyrstenaoda, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-23
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