Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Eno Brian Peter George, Paul Simon
Capo I
Tonalité :
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
It's outra  geous to line yo  ur pockets off the misery   of the poor.  
Outrag  eous the crime some huma  n beings must   endure.       
It's a blessing   to wash your f  ace in summer s  olstice rain  
It's outra  geous that a man like me   stand here   and complain.     
But I'm tired   
900   sit-ups a day.   
I'm pa  inting my hair the col  or of mud mud   OK?   
I'm ti  red tir  ed anyb  ody care what I say?    NO!
P  ainting my hair the color of   mud.                
W  ho's gonna love you when your looks are gone?  
Tell me who'  s gonna love you when your looks are gone  ?
A  h who's gonna love you when your looks are gone?  
W  ho's gonna love you when your looks are gone?
W  ho's gonna love you when your looks are gone?
W  ho's gonna love you when your looks are gone?
W  ho's gonna love you when your looks are gone?
It's outra  geous the food t  hey try to serve in the pu  blic school.  
Outrag  eous the way they talk to yo  ur like some kind of   clinical fool  
It's a blessi  ng to rest my h  ead in the circle   of your l  ove.
It's outra  geous I can't stop   thinking about the things   I'm thinking of  .
And   I'm tired
900   sit-ups a day.   
I'm pa  inting my hair the col  or of mud mud   OK?   
I'm ti  red tir  ed anyb  ody care what I say?    NO!
P  ainting my hair the color of   mud.                
W  ho's gonna love you when your looks are gone?  
Tell me who'  s gonna love you when your looks are gone?   
Ah who  's gonna love you when your looks are gone?
W  ho's gonna love you when your looks are gone?
W  ho's gonna love you when your looks are gone?
W  ho's gonna love you when your looks are gon  e?
Tell me who'  s gonna love you when your looks are gone?        
God wil  l like he waters the flowers on the window   sill.
Take me I'm an ordinary player in t  he key of
And my will w  as broken by my pride and my vanity  
Who's gonna love you when your looks are gone?
God wil  l like he waters the flowers on the window   sill.
Who's gonna love you when your looks are gone?


Kyrstenaoda, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-12-07
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