Artistes :

Titres :


Capo III
Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  Did we m  eet  some  w  here before     
  far behind  that hal  f  closed  doo  r  ?
  or is th  is j  ust one   small  thing
that's h  appening  t  o bot  h of us  ?                      
H  appening ti  me  and t  ime  again
H  appening o      ve  r and   o      ver.
W  ill the king's hor  s  es and a  ll the king's men
ever find out  w  hat it's about  ?
  Did you a  l  ways l  ook like  thi  s
  at the un  exp  ected kiss  ?  
  or is th  is j  ust one   more  thing
that's h  appening  t  o bot  h of us  ?               
H  appening time  and t  ime  again
H  appening o    ve    and   o    v  er.
W  ill the king's hor  s  es and a  ll the king's men
ever find out  w  hat it's about  ?
  Did we t  ake  a lon  g  time  the  n  ?
  Will we take  as lon  g  agai  n  ?  
  or is th  is j  ust one   more  thing
that's h  appening  (ohh) to bo  th of us     ?
It's h  appening  t  o bot  h of us  ?
H  appening ti  me  and t  ime  again
H  appening o      ver a  nd o      ver.
W  ill the king's hor  s  es and a  ll the king's men
ever find out (ever find out)
w  hat it's about  ? (what it's about)
  Did we m  eet  some  w  here before     
  far behind  that hal  f  closed  doo  r  ?
  or is th  is j  ust one   more  thing
that's h  appening  t  o bo  th of us  ?
It's h  appening to bo  th of us. Oo  h     
H  appening tim  e  and t  ime  again
H  appening o      ver an  d o      ver.
W  ill the king's hor  s  es and a  ll the king's men
ever find out (ever find out)
w  hat it's about  ? (what it's about)
  Did you a  l  ways look like    this     
   at the   un  expe  c  ted kiss  ?
  or is th  is j  ust one   more  thing
that's h  appening  to bo  th of us  ?
h  appening  to bo  th of us  ?


rider-43, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-10-17
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