Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Watt Andrew, Miley Ray Cyrus
Tonalité :
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
Intro :           
  I woke up in Montec  ito
I was t  hinkin' about my life         
And the q  uestions made more q  uestions
Starin' o  ut into the night
Yes I've w  orn the golden g  -string  
Put my hand into hellf  ire   
I d  id it all to m  ake you love me a  nd to feel alive
O  h that's just the world that we're livin' i  n
The o  ld boys hold all the cards and they ain't playin' g  in   
You d  are to call me crazy have you l  ooked around this p  lace?
I should w  alk away
Oh I should w  alk away
But I think I'll s  tay
There are layers to this b  ody
Primal s  ex and primal s  hame
They t  old me I should c  over it
So I w  ent the other way
I was t  ryin' to own my p  ower
Still I'm t  ryin' to work it o  ut
And at l  east it gives the p  aper somethin' t  hey can write about
O  h that's just the world that we're livin' i  n
The o  ld boys hold all the cards and they ain't playin' g  in   
You d  are to call me crazy have you l  ooked around this p  lace?
I should w  alk away
Oh I should w  alk away
But I think I'll s  tay
So the m  ad man's in the b  ig chair
And his h  eart's an iron v  ault
He s  ays "If you can't make e  nds meet honey i  t must be your fault"
We all f  ocus on the w  inners
And get b  linded by their s  hine
Maybe c  aring for each o  ther's just too 1  969
O  h that's just the world that we're livin' i  n
The o  ld boys hold all the cards and they ain't playin' g  in   
You d  are to call me crazy have you l  ooked around this p  lace?
I should w  alk away
Oh I should w  alk away
But I think I'll s  tay
And I think I'll s  tay y  eah  
I have too m  uch to lose
So I think I'll s  tay        
I can't walk a  way


[anonyme], version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2023-06-22
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