Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Mia Ashley Thompson
Tonalité :
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
Intro :   
F  ifteenth J  uly
F  ull of dragonfli  es
You g  o for a ri  de
To s  ee what you can fi  nd
T  here on the m  oor
L  ies a pretty gi  rl
She t  ells you "I'm so c  old"
And y  ou don't feel the l  ie
For the su  mmer wind is w  arm
As she as  ks you for a r  ide
Femme fata  le
D  aVinci's work but she's bleedin'    
B  ut she ain't bleeding from her own hands   
S  he's bleeding from her own man   
F  emme fata  le
S  harpened knives in her corset   
A   rope under her ruffles   
S  oon it'll be under her knuckles   
F  emme fata  le
D  on't get caught u  p with the bloody Ma  ry
S  hame I wasn't th  ere
I'd t  ell you to bew  are
But you do  n't want me ar  ound
As she ri  ps off all your   hair
If i  t were me you'd lo  ve
Perh  aps there'd be no bl  ood
She l  et your horse run fr  ee
And she le  ft you lying th  ere
And your h  orse he ran to m  e
And your de  ath ends the aff  air
Femme fata  le
D  aVinci's work but she's bleedin'    
B  ut she ain't bleeding from her own hands   
S  he's bleeding from her own man   
F  emme fata  le
S  harpened knives in her corset   
A   rope under her ruffles   
S  oon it'll be under her knuckles   
F  emme fata  le
D  on't get caught u  p with the bloody Ma  ry
Au rev  oir pour toujour au fa  it
Goodb  ye forever by the w  ay
You got caught u  p with a femme fat  ale
Your be  autiful fatal g  al
O  ooh-oo-o  oh
O  ooh-oo-o  oh
O  ooh-oo-o  oh
O  h oh oh oh
A-o  h
S  ixteenth Ju  ly
C  atcher in the R  ye
We wi  sh you could have been sa  ved
But we ne  ver heard your c  ry
When the su  mmer wind is wa  rm
Never g  o out for a ride     


yaya290, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-07-31
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