Artistes :

Titres :

Paroles et musique :Melissa L Etheridge
Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
Intro :  
T  hey don't much care fo  r you no they don'  t like your kin  d
T  he way you look walk  or the wa  y you talk
Th  e way you always speak your min  d
B  ut you want to be my friend you  're not anything like them
Y  ou can show me things I've never see  n
Y  ou say ooo child what a wa  ste if we never took a taste
O  f everything we find in be  tween
Ooo you make me nerv  ous
O  oo you make me wan  t to run away and hid  e
Ooo you make me nervo  us    
W  hen you look at me I just can't lie         
O  oo you make me nervous tonight
F  eels so wrong and fe  els so right feels   like ins  anity
I   keep acting strange hop  ing that I'll change
W  aking in a sweat from a bu  rning dream
A  nd then look at all my friends I ke  ep on pleasing them
C  aught up in the chaos of their mind  s
O  oo child the fear I have Keeps me boun  d and keeps me gagged
K  eeps me pushing harder all the tim  e
Ooo you make me nerv  ous
O  oo you make me want   to run away and hi  de
Ooo you make me nervo  us    
W  hen you look at me I just can't l  ie    
I   want to shovel all the blame
I   want to shoot out all the lights
I   want to call you names and start a f  ight   
B  ecause you make me nervous tonight
H  eart pounds ha  nds wet mo  uth dr  y    
I   shake I   scream   I cry          
N  o eat n  o sleep   all ni  ght  
I   build my lonely cell with secrets I   can't tell
Fr  ozen in my fright
O  oo yo  u make   me nervous tonight
You make me nervous
You make me nervous
You make me nervous
Ooo you make me nerv  ous
O  oo you make me wan  t to run away and hid  e
Ooo you make me nervo  us    
W  hen you look at me I just can't lie         
O  oo you make me nervous tonight


migmig, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-22
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