Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Martha Wainwright
Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
I   know you've got to go
A  nd I w  anted to be afraid to say
B  ut I'  m not  
  I'm scared to death of w  hat you'v  e become
Y  ou were my only   ally   
Now you're looking around for   an al  ibi    
W  hy don't you go ask your new set on the set of lies        
Y  ou cheated me and I can't believe it
I  've been calling since f  our o'clock last nigh  t
Y  ou cheated me and I can't believe it
I   saw you singing and da  ncing in the rain
  All the way home    
Y  ou left the keys in the door when you left tha  t nigh  t
I   don't wanna point the finger but I can't h  elp it  
W  hy don't you run your scared little ass down th  e bloc  k
I  'll catch up to you wh  en you come back and
Y  ou cheated me and I can't believe it
I  've been calling since fo  ur o'clock last nig  ht
Y  ou cheated me and I can't believe it
I   saw you singing and da  ncing in the rain
A  ll the way home
W  hen all the bills have been unro  lled
And your story has been un  told
T  ell me if it was worth it
T  o see the whole da  mn thing unfo  ld
Y  ou cheated me and I can't believe it
I  've been calling since fo  ur o'clock last nig  ht
Y  ou cheated me and I can't believe it
I   saw you singing and da  ncing in the rain
A  ll the way home
Y  ou cheated me and I can't believe it
I  've been calling since fo  ur o'clock last nigh  t
Y  ou cheated me and I can't believe it
I   saw you singing and dan  cing in the rain
A  ll the way home


poulet22400, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-09
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