Artistes :

Titres :

Paroles et musique :Solvang Arvid, Maria Mena
Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
Intro :                    
I  'll always t  reasure the nai  vety of the pa  st we've sha  red
O  ur bodies   grew   much faster than our minds
But t  ogeth  er we got good at stopping tim  e    
M  y teen angst d  rove me to hur  t myself and I ma  de you wa  tch
Oh the pa  in I must have caused   but by sta  ying   around u saved my life  
W  e were never   meant   to be lo  vers    just   fello  w late bloome  rs
Who b  losso  med apar  t wh  o blo  ssome  d apart  
W  atching my paren  ts made me look for   something destructive
and the  re you we  re
With all the ch  aracteristics of my m  om fami  liari  ty of hom  e    
T  he geographic   gap let to forced   adulthood and your ra  ge exposed   
  I'm glad w  e lef  t things when we did
I doubt I'd s  urviv  e another bloody moa  n    
W  e were never   meant   to be lo  vers    we ju  st mirr  ored each oth  er's
s  elf d  estructivenes  s se  lf d  estru  ctiveness   
T  he spotlight b  urned in the room when we were to  gether
and we pla  yed our pa  rts
And I wore an i  maginary TV scre  en so you n  ever   got to touch my he  art    
W  e were never   meant   to be lo  vers    our e  gos fed   of each oth  er
And d  ied o  verweig  ht a  nd d  ied o  verweigh  t           
I   thought I'd s  een it all when you first   walked in but you shu  t me u  p
A  nd challen  ged e  very wrong perception I've had of myself
And you   haven  't ever stop  ped


[anonyme], version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2023-03-21
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