Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Leonard Cohen, Thomas Anjani
Capo I
Tonalité :
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
Tha  nks for the dance
I'm sor  ry you're ti  red
The eve  ning has hardly be  gun
Tha  nks for the dance
Tr  y to look insp  ired
On  e two three one two three on  e
There's a ro  se in your hair
Your shou  lders are bare
You've been wea  ring this cost  ume for  ever   
So tu  rn up the music
Po  ur out the wine
St  op at the surface
The sur  face is fine
We do  n't need to g  o any dee  per
Tha  nks for the dance
I he  ar that we're marr  ied
On  e two three one two three on  e
Tha  nks for the dance
And the ba  by you car  ried
It was alm  ost a daughter or a so  n
And there's noth  ing to do
But to won  der if you
Are as hope  less as m  e
And as dec  ent    
We're joi  ned in the spirit
Joi  ned at the hip
Joi  ned in the panic
Won  dering if
We've co  me to some so  rt
Of agre  ement   
Du  m Dum Dah-Dum                
Du  m Dum Dah-Dum                
It was fine it was fast
We were fir  st we were last
In li  ne at the Tem  ple of Plea  sure    
But the gre  en was so green
And the bl  ue was so blue
I   was so I
And y  ou were so you
The cri  sis was li  ght
As a fea  ther          
Tha  nks for the dance
It was he  ll it was sw  ell
It was fu  n
Tha  nks for all the dances
On  e two three on  e two three on  e
Du  m Dum Dah-Dum                
Du  m Dum Dah-Dum                 


migmig, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-08-30
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