Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
Intro :           
I   woke up chained inside a va  cant little room
F  elt like a prisoner of hi  s discretion
I   couldn't breathe my lungs were ca  ptured by the fumes
M  y mind was in the arms of hi  s possession
Tu  rned off the lights but my au  ra was bright
Bre  athed in all the chemicals re  born again
I ma  de my escape broke the wi  ndows of fate
No   longer an animal ta  ke my hand and
Ca  ll me Mother Monster I   will be your guide
Se  nd me into the ni  ghtnightnight
Bla  me it on the doctor
He we  nt and took a bite of my he  art but it brought me to li  fe lifelife
S  h-sh-shocked the system twi  sted every rhythm
No  w I'm living the cri  mecrimecrime
Ca  ll me Mother Monster I   am not a bride
Just the pro  duct of his desi  gn
I've been Frankensteined  
(  Don't call me Gaga
I'm not that girl anymore)
O  h I could think about the so  ul I used to be
B  ut it's a waste because our ti  me is precious
A  nd as I traveled through the gra  veyards underneath
F  elt like a queen but I'm a cro  oked princess
Tu  rned off the lights but my au  ra was bright
Bre  athed in all the chemicals re  born again
I ma  de my escape broke the wi  ndows of fate
No   longer an animal ta  ke my hand and
Ca  ll me Mother Monster I   will be your guide
Se  nd me into the ni  ghtnightnight
Bla  me it on the doctor
He we  nt and took a bite of my he  art but it brought me to li  fe lifelife
S  h-sh-shocked the system twi  sted every rhythm
No  w I'm living the cri  mecrimecrime
Ca  ll me Mother Monster I   am not a bride
Just the pro  duct of his desi  gn
I've been Frankensteined  
The night is yo  ung but my spi  rit's even younger
Li  ghtning and the thunder  
The night is yo  ung but my spi  rit's even younger
Li  ghtning and the thunder  
The night is yo  ung but my spi  rit's even younger
Li  ghtning and the thunder  
The night is yo  ung but my spi  rit's even younger
Li  ghtning and the thunder  
Ca  ll me Mother Monster I   will be your guide
Se  nd me into the ni  ghtnightnight
Bla  me it on the doctor
He we  nt and took a bite of my he  art but it brought me to li  fe lifelife
S  h-sh-shocked the system twi  sted every rhythm
No  w I'm living the cri  mecrimecrime
Ca  ll me Mother Monster I   am not a bride
Just the pro  duct of his desi  gn
I've been Frankensteined  
I  've been Frankenste  ined
I  've been Frankensteined  
  Now   I'm finally aliv  e
I've been Frankensteined


yanndekoumac, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-10-22
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