Artistes :

Titres :


Capo III
Tonalité :
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
In the p  earl grey room
O  ne afternoon in one afternoon
What yo  u gonna do?
I h  ang on your words but there's   nothing new  
You take a b  eautiful thing
P  ull off a wing pull off a wing
The s  afety pin           
They n  ever shine quite as   bright ag  ain
But you h  aven't t  old me a  nythi  ng
T  hat I   didn't al  ready   know
No you ha  ven't sa  id a sin  gle t  hing
T  hat I   didn't al  ready   know
Everyth  ing I love
S  tuck in the mud stuck in the mud
S  tuck in a rut
N  ot a piece in your puzzle or a p  aper cut   
So same ti  me next week
K  iss on the cheek kiss on the cheek
A  nd say after me
E  verything's tied up ni  ce and nea  t
But you h  aven't t  old me a  nythi  ng
T  hat I   didn't al  ready   know
No you ha  ven't so  ld me an  ythin  g
T  hat I   didn't al  ready   own
I f  eel for y  ou
I r  eally do  
N  othing adds up like you w  ant it too      
No wo  rds can m  end
This fi  x I'm i  n
G  ive me your words I won't ev  en blink        
R  ight between the eyes I won't f  eel a thing     
But you h  aven't t  old me a  nythi  ng
T  hat I   didn't al  ready   know
No you ha  ven't sa  id a sin  gle t  hing
T  hat I   didn't al  ready   know
No you h  aven't t  old me a  nythi  ng
N  o you   haven't t  old me   anything
No you h  aven't t  old me a  nythi  ng
N  o you   haven't t  old me   anything


[anonyme], version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2023-05-24
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