Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
Intro :  
Oh the l  ights of Magdala flicker dimly on the shore
H  oly sailor sailing on the s  ea
P  atiently waiting she walked quietly to the door
A  nother lonely night in Galil  ee
M  agdalene don't w  rap your dreams in s  orrow
S  ave them for t  omorrow if it c  omes
When we'll m  eet within the c  ircle around the s  un
Oh if H  eaven were a l  ady don't you know you'd have been the o  ne
To t  he streets of Jerusalem you followed him once more
H  oly sailor come home from the s  ea
S  omeone some where?s callin' him to a golden distant shore
F  ar from the lonely nights in G  alilee
M  agdalene don't w  rap your dreams in s  orrow
S  ave them for t  omorrow if it c  omes
When we'll m  eet within the c  ircle around the s  un
Oh if H  eaven were a l  ady don't you know you'd have been the o  ne


golfwmin, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-11-12
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