Artistes :

Titres :

Capo III
Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
Intro :   
H  arley didn't have no educ  ation
H  e could hardly read and wr  ite      
He was lo  cked into a dead-end occup  ation
H  is future didn't look too b  right
He worked 1  8 years on the as  sembly line
J  ust gettin' by with a little bit of o  vertime
And t  hat could be the end of the st  ory of m  ine
B  ut it's just the begi  nnin'
L  ate one night while he was workin' gr  aveyard
H  arley got himself this big i  dea     
A  ll he'd have to do is chan  ge one little screw
And sa  ve millions of dollars a y  ear
So he wo  rked and he saved 'til he could op  en his own shop
M  oney started rollin' in like it w  asn't gonna stop
So H  arley bought a mountain and b  uilt a mansion on t  op
So the los  ers could see who was win  ning
O  nly in   Americ  a
With no  thin' b  ut  a      dre  am
Only in Am  erica    
Where every man's a k  ing
F  irst Harley's daughter Janice found a g  uru
S  he gave him everything she ow  ned    
T  hen Harley Junior joined some kind of r  ock band
And wa  lked around all day about half st  oned
His w  ife watched TV all the tim  e 'cause she got bored
Th  en one day she found a TV pr  eacher she adored
And sh  e gave all of Harley's hard-earned m  oney to the L  ord
H  arley started drinkin' wound u  p in Betty Fo  rd
To s  ee if he could buy a happy end  ing
T  hen some kid who worked in Harley's f  actory
H  e got himself this big id  ea      
F  igured out how to do it with co  mputers
Drove H  arley out of business in a ye  ar
Now H  arley's back workin' the ass  embly line
Ju  st gettin' by with a little bit of o  vertime
But do  n't count Harley out 'cause he ai  n't the quittin' k  ind
H  e stares at that computer with on  e thing on his m  ind
H  ow to make them things more user fr  iendly
I  've loved enough t  o know
A h  eartache when I see o  ne coming
B  een down this road befo  re
I  've l  oved enough t  o know


migmig, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-15
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