Artistes :

Titres :


Capo I
Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
Intro :  
Ord  ained for proclaimin' the g  ospel of Jesus
The g  reat super preachers go crusadin' o  n
And the p  eople all gather in b  ig congregations
They h  ear of the Saviour who c  ame to at  one  
And they k  neel at the altar and they w  alk away
happy then the devil starts gossip about money and s  ex
M  akin' it hard on the g  ood men of God like B  illy and Bob and O  ral and R  ex   
O  ld Billy Sunday is d  ead and gone
Y  oung Jim Robertson's comin' on st  rong
And B  illy and Rex and O  ral and Bob
Are t  alkin' about Jesus and d  oin' their j  ob
M  illions of people tune i  n Katherine Coolman
And s  ee her face shine with an unearthly l  ight
G  arner Ted warns of the w  orld of tomorrow
But they c  riticized him and the r  everend d  ied  
'Cause the d  evil is after the g  reat super preachers
he'd try to discredit the gospel they b  ring
But B  illy and R  ex and O  ral and Bob hold t  o their commitment to J  esus the K  ing  
O  ld Billy Sunday is d  ead and gone
Y  oung Tommy Barnett is comin' on st  rong
And B  illy and Rex and O  ral and Bob
Are t  alkin' about Jesus and d  oin' their j  ob   
O  ld Billy Sunday is d  ead and gone
Y  oung Jimmy Snow is comin' on st  rong
And B  illy and Rex and O  ral and Bob
Are t  alkin' about Jesus and d  oin' their j  ob


Kyrstenaoda, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-16
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