Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :John Denver
Tonalité :
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
Intro :                    
T  hey sa  y they lo  ve each oth  er
I  've no dou  bt they d  o
They sa  y they'll a  lways b  e toge  ther
T  hat may not be tr  ue    
T  hey co  me from d  ifferent pl  aces
D  ifferent p  oints of v  iew
They f  ind themse  lves in d  ifferent sp  aces
E  verything is al  l brand n  ew
T  wo different dir  ections
T  oo many d  ifferent w  ays
O  ne always o  n the r  oad somewhere
The o  ther one always st  ays
T  oo often unh  appy
T  oo often o  n your o  wn
W  hen you are m  oving in d  ifferent dire  ctions
T  rue love is a  ll alo  ne
O  ld st  ories s  tart to s  urface
P  atterns from l  ong ag  o
And l  oving q  uickly t  urns to a  nger
For r  easons they don't e  ven k  now
T  he stro  ngest he  art can be bro  ken
W  ith one inse  nsitive w  ord
The de  epest fe  elings rem  ain unsp  oken
N  o one is seen and n  othing he  ard
T  wo different dir  ections
T  oo many d  ifferent w  ays
O  ne always w  ants to w  ork things out
The o  ther one wants to p  lay
T  o ready for c  hanges
T  o much that j  ust can't w  ait
W  hen you are m  oving in d  ifferent dire  ctions
T  rue love can t  urn to h  ate
If o  pposit  es attr  act each o  ther
W  hat's the re  ason f  or
O  ne being l  ike an o  pen w  indow
O  ne just like a cl  osing do  or
T  wo different dir  ections
T  wo many d  ifferent w  ays
O  ne likes to s  ee the m  orning sunrise
The o  ther one sleeps in l  ate
T  o many tomo  rrows
T  o many t  imes too l  ate
W  hen you are m  oving in d  ifferent dire  ctions
T  rue love may h  ave to w  ait
I  f you are comm  itted to d  ifferent dire  ctions
T  rue love will h  ave to w  ait


Bobbywind, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-10
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