Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles :Joe Henry
Musique :John Denver
Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
Intro :         (x3)
Ra  ven's child is cha  sing salva  tion
Bla  ck beak turned white from the cra  ck and the sno  w              
On the stre  ets of despair the a  nswer is si  mple
A spo  onful of me  rcy can se  t free the so  ul             
The dru  g king sits on his arrogant throne
Awa  y and above a  nd apart         
E  ven children are twisted to serve him
And gre  ed has corrupted what o  nce was a he  art                           
Ra  ven's child keeps vi  gil for fre  edom
Tra  des for the arms that o  nce made her stro  ng             
With nu  clear warheads and la  sers in he  aven
Fe  ar does the cho  osing betwe  en right and wro  ng             
The a  rms king sits on his arrogant throne
Awa  y and above a  nd apart         
Ba  nkers assure him that he needn't care
And gre  ed makes a stone of what o  nce was a he  art                           
Ra  ven's child is wa  shing the wa  ter
A  ll of her wing-feathers bla  ckened with ta  r              
Prince Wi  lliam shoreline's an u  nwanted hi  ghway
Of a  sphalt and a  nger an e  legant sca  r              
The o  il king sits on his arrogant throne
Awa  y and above a  nd apart         
La  wyers have warned him he mustn't speak
And gre  ed has made silent what o  nce was a he  art                           
Sti  ll there are walls that come tu  mbling down
For pe  ople who yearn to   be free
Sti  ll there are hearts that lo  ng to be opened
And e  yes that are longing to se  e    
Ra  ven's child is our co  nstant compa  nion
Sti  cks like a shadow to a  ll that is do  ne             
Try   as we may we ju  st can't esca  pe him
The so  urce of our so  rrow and sha  me we are o  ne             
The tru  e King sits on a heavenly throne
Never awa  y nor above no  r apart          
With wi  sdom and mercy and constant compassion
He li  ves in the love that li  ves in our he  arts                          
Ra  ven's child is wa  shing the wa  ter            
Ra  ven's child keeps vi  gil for fre  edom           
Ra  ven's child is cha  sing salva  tion           
Ra  ven's child is our co  nstant compa  nion            


Bobbywind, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-12-04
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