Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
Intro :        
J  ust yesterday m  orning they let me k  now you were g  one
Susanne the pla  ns they made put an e  nd to you
I   woke up this m  orning and w  rote down this s  ong
I just can't re  member who to se  nd it to
I  've seen f  ire and I've seen r  ain
Seen su  nny days that I th  ought would never e  nd
Seen lo  nely t  imes when I c  ould not find a f  riend
But I a  lways t  hought I'd s  ee you ag  ain
W  on't you look down upon me J  esus you got to h  elp me make a s  tand
You just got to s  ee me through a  nother day
M  y body's a  ching my t  ime is at h  and
I just can't m  ake it any o  ther way
I  've seen f  ire and I've seen r  ain
Seen su  nny days that I th  ought would never e  nd
Seen lo  nely t  imes when I c  ould not find a f  riend
But I a  lways t  hought I'd s  ee you ag  ain
I've been w  alking my mind to an e  asy time my b  ack turned t'wards the s  un
Lord knows when the c  old wind blows it will t  urn your head around
There's h  ours of time on the te  lephone line they'll t  alk about things to c  ome
Sweet dreams and f  lying machines in p  ieces on the ground
I  've seen f  ire and I've seen r  ain
Seen su  nny days that I th  ought would never e  nd
Seen lo  nely t  imes when I c  ould not find a f  riend
But I a  lways t  hought I'd s  ee you ag  ain


gege27, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-11-16
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