Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
R  idin' on the City   of New Orlean  s
I  llinois Central M  onday mornin'   rail
T  here's 15 cars a  nd 15 restless r  iders
3   conductors and   25 sacks of mai  l
A  ll along a southbound oddyssey a  nd the train pulls out of Kankakee
A  nd rolls along past the houses farms and f  ields
P  assin' towns that have no name a  nd freightyards full of old grey men
T  he graveyards of th  e rusted automobile  s
S  ingin' good mornin' Am  erica how are yo  u?
Sayin' d  on't you know me?   I'm your native   son   
I'm th  e train the  y cal  l the   City   of New Orleans
I'll be   gone 50  0 mile  s when the day is done  .
I   was playin' cards w  ith the old men in the club ca  r.
P  enny a point ai  n?t no one keepin' sco  re
P  ass the paper ba  g that holds that bott  le.
I   can hear the wheels r  umblin' thru the f  loor.
A  nd the sons of Pullman Porters a  nd the sons of engineers
R  ide their father's magic carpet made of st  eel
A  nd their days are full of restless a  nd their dreams are full of mem'ries
A  nd the echos of the f  reight train whistle?s c  lear
S  ingin' good mornin' Am  erica how are yo  u?
Sayin' d  on't you know me?   I'm your native   son   
I'm th  e train the  y cal  l the   City   of New Orleans
I'll be   gone 50  0 mile  s when the day is done  .
A  nd its twilight on the   City of New O  rleans.
T  alk about your po  cket full of friend  s
H  alf way home and we'l  l be there by mo  rnin'
W  ith no tomorrow w  aiting ?round the b  end
S  ingin' good night' Ame  rica how are you  ?
Sayin' d  on't you know me?   I'm your native   son   
I'm th  e train the  y cal  l the   City   of New Orleans
I'll be   gone 50  0 mile  s when the day is done  .
S  ingin' good mornin' Am  erica how are yo  u?
Sayin' d  on't you know me?   I'm your native   son   
I'm th  e train the  y cal  l the   City   of New Orleans
I'll be   gone 50  0 mile  s when the day is done  .


[anonyme], version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2024-02-19
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