Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
W  ith your   mercury mouth in the m  issionary t  imes
And your e  yes like s  moke and your praye  rs like rhym  es
And your s  ilver cr  oss and your voic  e like chi  mes
Oh who   among them do they thi  nk could bur  y you?
Wit  h your poc  kets well prot  ected at la  st
And   your stre  etcar visions which you p  lace on the   grass
And your fles  h like si  lk and your fac  e like gl  ass
Who am  ong them do they think   could carr  y you?
S  ad eyed lad  y of the low  lands  
W  here the sad eyed p  rophet says that no   man come  s
My w  areh  ouse ey  es my   Arabi  an dru  ms
Shoul  d I leave them by your   gate
Or s  ad eyed lady should I w  ait?                    
Wit  h your she  ets like metal   and your b  elt like lace
And   your deck   of cards missing the jac  k and the a  ce
And your b  asement   clothes and your   hollow fac  e
Who am  ong them can think he   could outgu  ess you?
Wit  h your sil  houette when t  he sunlight   dims
Int  o your eye  s where the moonlight swi  ms          
And your m  atch-boo  k songs and your   gypsy hymn  s
Who am  ong them would try to   impress you  ?
S  ad eyed lad  y of the low  lands  
W  here the sad eyed p  rophet says that no   man come  s
My w  areh  ouse ey  es my   Arabi  an dru  ms
Shoul  d I leave them by your   gate
Or s  ad eyed lady should I w  ait?                   
The   kings of   Tyrus with the  ir convict   list
Are waitin  g in line   for their geranium   kiss         
And you wo  uldn't k  now it would happ  en like th  is
But wh  o among them really wa  nts just to   kiss you?
Wit  h your chi  ldhood flames   on your mid  night rug
And your S  panish man  ners and your mothe  r's drugs    
And your c  owboy mo  uth and your curf  ew plugs   
Who am  ong them do you think   could resis  t you?
S  ad eyed lad  y of the low  lands  
W  here the sad eyed p  rophet says that no   man come  s
My w  areh  ouse ey  es my   Arabi  an dru  ms
Shoul  d I leave them by your   gate
Or s  ad eyed lady should I w  ait?                    
Oh   the farmer  s and the busi  nessmen the  y all did decide
To show yo  u the dead   angels that they u  sed to hide.  
But why di  d they p  ick you to sympat  hize with   their side?
Oh how   could they ever mista  ke you?     
The  y wished y  ou'd accepted   the blame f  or the farm
But with t  he sea at   your feet and the p  hony false a  larm
And with t  he child   of a hoodlum wra  pped up in   your arms
How co  uld they ever ever per  suade you?  
S  ad eyed lad  y of the low  lands  
W  here the sad eyed p  rophet says that no   man come  s
My w  areh  ouse ey  es my   Arabi  an dru  ms
Shoul  d I leave them by your   gate
Or s  ad eyed lady should I w  ait?                    
Wit  h your she  et metal memor  y of Canner  y Row
And your m  agazine-hu  sband who one day j  ust had to g  o
And your g  entlenes  s now which you j  ust can't   help but show
Who am  ong them do you think   would emplo  y you?
Now   you stand   with your thi  ef you're o  n his parole
With your   holy medal  lion which your fin  gertips fold  
And your s  aintlike   face and your gh  ostlike so  ul
Oh who   among them do you thi  nk could de  stroy you?


migmig, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-08-25
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