Artistes :

Titres :


Capo III
Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
Intro :        
There was a L  ady and a Lady g  ay
O  f children she had t  hree
She sent them aw  ay to the North Countree
To l  earn their grammar  ee
They'd not been g  one but a very short t  ime
S  carcely three weeks and a d  ay
W  hen death cruel death came harkening along
And s  tole those babes aw  ay
"There is a K  ing in Heaven" she c  ried
"A King of third deg  ree
Send back send b  ack my three little babes
This n  ight send them back to m  e."
She made a b  ed in the uppermost r  oom
O  n it she put a white s  heet
A  nd over the top a golden spread
That t  hey much better might s  leep
"  Take it off take it o  ff" cried the older o  ne
"  Take it off take it off" cried h  e
"For what's to bec  ome of this wide wicked world
Since s  in has first beg  un."
She set a t  able of linen f  ine
O  n it she placed bread and w  ine
C  ome eat come drink my three little babes
"Come e  at come drink of m  ine."
"We want none o  f your bread moth  er
N  either do we want your w  ine
For yonder s  tands our Savior dear
To H  im we must res  ign."
"Green grass is o  ver our heads mot  her
C  old clay is over our f  eet
And every t  ear you shed for us
It w  ets our winding-s  heet."


Guitare1958, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-02
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