Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Joan C Baez
Capo I
Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
Intro :        
A  long came the FFV the sw  iftest on the l  ine
R  unning o'er the C&O road just   twenty minutes be  hind
R  unning into Sou'ville headqu  arters on the li  ne
R  eceiving their strict orders from a st  ation just behi  nd
G  eorgie's mother came to him with a bu  cket on her ar  m
S  aying my darling son be car  eful how you r  un
F  or many a man has lost his life in t  rying to make lost ti  me
A  nd if you run your engine right you'll ge  t there just on ti  me
U  p the road he darted ag  ainst the rocks he c  rashed
U  pside down the engine turned and G  eorgie's breast was s  mashed
H  is head lay against the firebox d  oor the flames were rolling h  igh
I  'm glad to be born for an engineer on the C  &O road to d  ie
T  he doctor said to Georgie my d  arling boy lie s  till
Y  our life may yet be saved if it i  s God's blessed w  ill
O  h no said George that will not do I w  ant to die so f  ree
I   want to die with the engine I love one h  undred and forty t  hree
T  he doctor said to Georgie your l  ife cannot be sa  ved
M  urdered upon a railroad and l  aid in a lonesome g  rave
H  is face was covered up with blood his e  yes they could not s  ee
A  nd the very last words poor Georgie said was n  earer my God to t  hee


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Dernière modification : 2022-10-27
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