Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
Tw  as in the m  erry month of M  ay
When green buds a  ll were sw  ellin
Sweet W  illiam o  n his d  eath bed l  ay
For l  ove of B  arbara A  llen.
He sent his s  ervant to the t  own
To the place where s  he was d  wellin
Sayin  g "You must c  ome to my m  aster d  ear
If your n  ame be B  arb'ry A  llen."
So slowly s  lowly she got u  p
And slowly s  he drew n  igh him
And the   only w  ords to h  im did s  ay
"Young m  an I t  hink you're d  yin."
He turned his f  ace unto the w  all
And death was i  n him w  ellin
"Good-b  ye good-b  ye to my   friends al  l
Be g  ood to B  arb'ry A  llen."
When he was d  ead and laid in g  rave
She heard the d  eath bells K  nellin
And ev  ery s  troke to h  er did s  ay:
"Hard-h  earted B  arb'ry A  llen."
"Oh mother oh m  other go dig my g  rave
Make it both l  ong and n  arrow;
Sweet Wi  lliam d  ied of l  ove for m  e
And I   will d  ie of s  orrow."
"And father oh f  ather go dig my g  rave
Make it both l  ong and n  arrow
Sweet W  illiam d  ied o  n yesterd  ay
And I   will d  ie tom  orrow."
Barb'ry Allen was b  uried in the old church-y  ard
Sweet William was b  uried beside   her;
Out of Sw  eet William's h  eart there g  rew a r  ose
Out o  f Barb'ry A  llen's a   briar.
They grew and g  rew in the old church-y  ard
Til they could g  row no h  igher;
At the e  nd they f  ormed a true l  overs' k  not
And the r  ose grew r  ound the b  riar.


gege27, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-01
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