Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :James Vernon Taylor
Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
Intro :              
M  ornin  g si  ng me a song        
A  fterno  on b  ring it along       
N  ightti  me s  how me a fr  iend
S  ay it aga  in
S  end a good d  ream my w  ay.          
Wedn  esda  y fe  eling just fine       
I g  ot to   say time   on my han  ds.   
F  rida  y lo  ok at them r  un
S  how me some f  un
T  aking the s  un  shin  e in.  
G  od knows you've got to give yourself
Time to th  ink these days
L  ord knows you've got to take enough
Time to l  ook both ways
The pi  eces fly by so quickly now.   
L  aura   loo  k at you walk          
I   swear y  ou've got e  yes in my he  ad.   
I  'd like t  o fo  llow you do  wn
S  how you aroun  d bo  rrow the c  rown you   wear.        
B  acon   lie   on the plate         
T  wo black-e  yed p  eas wait on the si  de.   
G  ravy   chi  cken and ric  e is  n't it ni  ce?
T  ell me the p  rice of t  he fo  od.
W  hat happens when the answers they give you aren't g  ood enough?
W  hat happens when it rains for eight days on y  our week off?
You k  now you can't buy tomorrow no              
I  t's all a matter of o  pening up y  our eyes.   
And looking aro  und cause i  t's all ther  e
Yeah b  aby I   said it's all there.  
I said t  aking the s  unsh  ine i  n.                       


smhalino, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-11-27
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