Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :James V Taylor
Capo III
Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
One m  orning one m  orning one m  orning in M  ay
I sp  ied a young c  ouple they were m  aking their w  ay
O  ne was a m  aiden so b  right and so f  air
and the o  ther was a s  oldier and a b  rave volunt  eer
"Good M  orning Good M  orning Good M  orning" said h  e
"And w  here are you g  oing My p  retty lad  y?"
"I'm g  oing out a-w  alking on the b  anks of the s  ea
Just to se  e the waters g  liding hear the N  ightingale s  ing."
Now they had n  ot been s  tanding but a m  inute or t  wo
When o  ut of his k  napsack a f  iddle he d  rew
And the t  une that he p  layed made the v  alleys all r  ing
"O h  ark" cried the m  aiden "hear the N  ightingale s  ing."
"O m  aiden fair m  aiden it's t  ime to give o  'er."
"O n  o kind s  oldier please p  lay one tune m  ore
For I'd r  ather hear your f  iddle at the t  ouch of one s  tring
Than to se  e the waters g  liding hear the N  ightingale s  ing."
"O so  ldier kind s  oldier will y  ou marry m  e?"
"O n  o pretty m  aiden that n  ever shall b  e;
I've a w  ife now in L  ondon and c  hildren twice t  hree
Two w  ives and the a  rmy's too m  any for m  e."
"Well I'll g  o back to L  ondon and I'll stay t  here for a y  ear
It's of  ten that I'll t  hink of you m  y little d  ear
And if e  ver I ret  urn it will b  e in the s  pring
Just to se  e the waters g  liding hear the N  ightingale s  ing."
to s  ee the waters g  liding hear the N  ightingale s  ing."


DJAMESHIE, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-11-26
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