Artistes :

Titres :

Paroles et musique :James Blunt, Guy Antony Chambers
Tonalité :
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
You can se  e it on her face
Her red ey  es say she's not safe
How should she kno  w what it means
She is o  nly just a teen
Under her du  vet's where she hides
To block the scre  aming late at night
She can't reme  mber life before
Mama and Da  ddy went to war
A  ll little girls are full of confusion
C  ry all you want cause you're only human
Wa  s all the love just an illusion?
Da  ddy's not coming home
Ma  ma's asleep and she smells of whiskey
Pro  mise that won't be you when you're 50
Cry   before the guilty clap your w  ings
Cause all your he  roes   
Are skin and bo  nes
Packed the small ba  g of things she loves
Deep insi  de she blames herself
She has no  where else to go
But that sounds be  tter than what she knows
And as she ste  ps into the dark
Dirty ha  ir and heavy heart
Cold cold a  ir inside her lungs
Catch a sno  wflake on her tongue
A  ll little girls are full of confusion
C  ry all you want cause you're only human
Wa  s all the love just an illusion?
Da  ddy's not coming home
Ma  ma's asleep and she smells of whiskey
Pro  mise that won't be you when you're 50
Cry   before the guilty clap your wi  ngs
Cause all your he  roes   
Are skin and bo  nes
And a  s I heard you shut the door
Went thro  ugh the window and I saw
The fo  otsteps of my big sister in the sn  ow
Since the  n not a single day has passed
Where I   don't say your name and ask
Whe  re where did you g  o?
A  ll little girls are full of confusion
C  ry all you want cause you're only human
Wa  s all the love just an illusion?
Da  ddy's not coming home
Ma  ma's asleep and she smells of whiskey
Pro  mise that won't be you when you're 50
Cry   before the guilty clap your wi  ngs
Cause all your he  roes   
Are skin and bo  nes


beautifulemilie, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2023-03-19
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