Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
A   well-known Bognor re  staura  nt-owner dis  appeared
Early this m  orning.
L  ast se  en in a mou  se-bro  wn overcoat  
Suitably   camouflaged
They   saw him ca  tch a tr  ain.
Fat  her of three its di  sgusting
Such a h  orrible thing to   do
Ha  rold 'the   Barrel' c  ut off his toes and he served them all for t  ea
Can't go f  ar                         
he can't go   far.
Hasn't got a l  eg to stand on                 
He can't go f  ar.
I'm st  anding in a doo  rway o  n the ma  in square
Tension is m  ountin  g
There's a re  stless   crowd of ang  ry peo  ple
M  ore than we've   ever seen.
-   had to tight  en up se  curit  y
Over   to the scene at the to  wn hall
The l  ord mayors ready to s  peak
M  an of su  spicion you can't last   long
The British   public is on our sid  e
Can't last lo  ng                         
you can't last l  ong.
Said you couldn't tr  ust him his brother was just the s  ame
You can't last lo  ng
If I   was many mi  les from here
Id b  e sailing in an open bo  at on the sea
Instead I  'm on this window l  edge
With the   whole world belo  w
U  p at the wi  ndow
L  ook at the   window...
W  e can help   you
W  e can help   you
W  ere all your fr  iends if you co  me on   dow  n     
And ta  lk to us son
You must b  e jokin  g
Take a running j  ump
The cr  owd was getting str  onger and our H  arold
Getting w  eaker;
Fo  rwards   backwards swaying   side   to side
F  earing the very wo  rst
The  y called his   mot  her to the si  te
U  p on the ledge be  side him
H  is mother made a l  ast request.
C  ome off th  e ledge if y  our father were alive
He'd be v  eryvery very upset  .
Just can't ju  mp                         
You just can't ju  mp
Your shirts all di  rty
There's man here from the . . .
You just can't j  ump
W  e can help y  ou
W  e can help   you
W  ere all your fr  iends if   you   come on down
And ta  lk to us Harry
You must b  e jok  ing.
Take a running j  ump......


[anonyme], version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2023-09-08
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