Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
T  ime w  aits   for no  body  
T  ime wa  its for nob  ody
We all must pl  an our hopes toge  ther
Or we'll have   no more future a  t all
T  i___  ___me   waits for   nobody                              
We mi  ght as well be de  af and dumb and bli  nd
I kn  ow that sounds unk  ind  
But it se  ems to me we've n  ot listened to
Or spo  ken about it at   all
T  he fact that tim  e is running out for us a  ll
T  ime w  aits for no  body
T  ime wait  s for no-  one
We've got to bui  ld this world to  gether
Or we'll ha  ve no more future at   all
Because ti  ____  me -   it waits for   nobody                            
Y  ou don't need me to tell   you
What's gone wr  ong
You kn  ow what's going o  n    
But it see  ms to me we've not   cared enough
Or confi  ded in each other at al  l
It see  ms that we've all got our backs
Against the wa  ll    
T  ime waits f  or nobody    
T  ime w  aits for no   one
We've got to tr  ust in one anot  her
Or we'd have no mo  re future at al  l
Because ti  ____  me     
Waits for nobo  dy
Waits fo  r nobody
T  ime w  aits for no   one
Best not to be fri  ends with one an  other
Or we'd hav  e no more future at   all
T  i___  _me w  aits for n  obody     
N  obody
N  obody   
For no   one


adecorte95, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-08-16
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