Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Benjamin Levin, Edward Sheeran
Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
Intro :  
W  hen I was six y  ears ol  d I broke my leg            
A  nd I was run  ning fr  om my brother and h  is friends   
A  nd tasted t  he swee  t perfume of the mou  ntain grass I   rolled down
I   was you  nger th  en    take me back to whe  n I
F  ound my hea  rt and broke it her  e
Made my friends and lo  st them through the years
A  nd I've not se  en the roaring fi  elds in so long   I know I've grown
B  ut I can't wa  it to go home
I  'm on   my way   driv  ing at nine  ty
Down t  hose coun  try lan  es si  nging to Ti  ny Dancer
And I   mis  s the w  ay you made m  e feel i  t's real
W  e watched t  he suns  et ov  er the cas  tle on the hill
F  ifteen ye  ars old   and smoking ha  nd-rolled cigarettes   
R  unning from   the law   through the backfields and   getting drunk with my fr  iends
H  ad my fi  rst kis  s on a Friday nig  ht I don't recko  n that I did it right
I   was youn  ger the  n  ta  ke me back to when  
We found w  eekend jo  bs when we got pa  id
We'd buy cheap sp  irits and drink them st  raight
Me and my f  riends have not thrown u  p in so long o  h how we've grown
B  ut I can't w  ait to go home
I  'm on   my way   driv  ing at nine  ty
Down t  hose coun  try lan  es si  nging to Ti  ny Dancer
And I   mis  s the w  ay you made m  e feel i  t's real
W  e watched t  he suns  et ov  er the cas  tle on the hill
         Over t  he c  astle   on the hill
         Over t  he c  astle   on the hill
One friend left to sell clothes one works down by the coast
O  ne had two k  ids but lives alone   one's br  other overdosed
O  ne's alr  eady on his second wife o  ne's just bar  ely getting by
B  ut these people ra  ised me and I c  an't wa  it to go home
And I'  m on   my way   I st  ill rememb  er
These o  ld count  ry lane  s when we   did not kno  w the answers
And I   mis  s the w  ay you made m  e feel i  t's real
W  e watched t  he suns  et ov  er the cas  tle on the hill
         Over t  he c  astle   on the hill
         Over t  he c  astle   on the hill


Bobbywind, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-10-05
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