Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Jake Gosling, Edward Sheeran
Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
Intro :           
A  nother d  ay another l  ife
Passes b  y just like m  ine
It's not c  omplicated         
A  nother m  ind another s  oul
Another b  ody to grow o  ld
It's not c  omplicated         
D  o you ever wonder if the s  tars shine out for you?
F  loat d  own
L  ike au  tumn leaves
H  ush n  ow
C  lose your eyes b  efore the sleep
A  nd your m  iles away A  nd yes  terday     
Y  ou were h  ere with m  e
A  nother t  ear Another c  ry
Another p  lace for us to d  ie
It's not c  omplicated         
A  nother l  ife that's gone to w  aste
Another l  ight lost from your f  ace
It's c  omplicated         
I  s it only wonder or do b  irds still sing for you?
F  loat d  own
L  ike au  tumn leaves
H  ush n  ow
C  lose your eyes b  efore the sleep
A  nd your m  iles away A  nd yes  terday     
Y  ou were h  ere with m  e
O  oh how I mi  ss you
My s  ymphony places the s  ong that carries you out
O  oh how I mi  ss you
I mi  ss you and I wish yo  u'd stay
I  s it any wonder that the s  tars shine out for you?
F  loat d  own
L  ike au  tumn leaves
H  ush n  ow
C  lose your eyes b  efore the sleep
A  nd your m  iles away A  nd yes  terday     
Y  ou were h  ere with m  e
F  loat d  own
L  ike au  tumn leaves
H  ush n  ow
C  lose your eyes b  efore the sleep
A  nd your m  iles away A  nd yes  terday     
Y  ou were h  ere with m  e
O  oh oh o  oh o  h
O  oh oh o  oh o  h
T  ouch d  own     
Like a s  even four seven
S  tay o  ut and   we'll li  ve forever now                


Bobbywind, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-11-18
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