Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
Intro :           
M  oon shining d  own through the palms
S  hadows moving on the s  and
S  omebody whispering the t  wenty-third psalm
D  usty rifle in his t  rembling hands
S  omebody trying just to s  tay alive
H  e got promises to k  eep
O  ver the ocean in Am  erica
F  ar away and fast as  leep
S  ilent stars b  linking in the b  lackness of an e  ndless s  ky           
C  old silver s  atellites g  hostly c  aravans p  assin  g by  
G  alaxies unf  olding n  ew worlds being b  orn
P  ilgrims and p  rodigals c  reeping toward the dawn
B  ut it's a long r  oad out of Ed  en
Music blasting from an SUV
O  n a bright and sunny d  ay
  Rolling   down the interstate
I  n the good ol' USA  
H  aving lunch at the petr  oleum club
S  mokin' fine cigars and swappi  n' lives
H  e said: "gimme 'nother slice o' that b  arbecued brisket!"
"  gimme 'nother piece o' that p  ecan pie!"
F  reeways f  lickering c  ell phones c  himi  ng a   tune  
W  e're riding to u  topia r  oad map s  ays we'll be a  rrivi  ng so  on
C  aptains of the o  ld order c  linging to the r  eins
A  ssuring us these a  ches inside are o  nly growing pains
B  ut it's a long r  oad out of E  den
B  ack home I was so c  ertain
T  he path was very c  lear
B  ut now I have to w  onder: "wh  at are we doing here?"
I  'm not counting on t  omorrow
A  nd I can't tell w  rong from right
B  ut I'd give a  nything to be there i  n your arms tonight
W  eaving down the Am  erican highway
T  hrough the litter and the wreckage and the c  ultural junk
B  loated with entitlement l  oaded on propaganda
A  nd now we're driving d  azed and drunk
B  een down the road to Damascus
T  he road to Mandalay
M  et the ghost of Caesar on the A  ppian way
H  e said "it's hard to stop this bingeing o  nce you get a taste."
"  but the road to empire is a b  loody stupid waste."
B  ehold the bitten apple   - th  e power of the t  ools
B  ut all the knowledge i  n the world is of n  o use to fools
A  nd it's a long r  oad out of E  den....


karismaph, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-12-06
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