Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Don McLean
Capo II
Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
Intro :  
J  erusalem Jerus  alem al  l roads lead to y  ou.
J  erusalem Jeru  salem your lig  ht is shining thro  ugh.  
And you will sho  w show the w  ay to al  l who see it sh  ine
T  hat we can live in pe  ace in Je  rusalem this tim  e.
The wal  ls will keep you i  n the wal  ls will keep you o  ut.
The gat  es are calling th  ose who kn  ow what it's abo  ut.
J  erusalem Jeru  salem all ro  ads lead to   you.
J  erusalem Jeru  salem your li  ght is shining throu  gh.  
And you will sho  w show the w  ay to al  l who see it shi  ne
That we can li  ve in p  eace in Je  rusalem this tim  e.
J  erusalem is ol  d Jer  usalem is n  ew
J  erusalem can ho  ld Mus  lim Christian Je  w.
I  n Jerusalem Jeru  salem al  l roads lead to y  ou.
J  erusalem Jeru  salem your lig  ht is shining thro  ugh.
And you will sh  ow show the wa  y to al  l who see it sh  ine
That we can li  ve in p  eace in Je  rusalem this tim  e.
T  he markets and the al  leys the t  emples and the t  ombs.
A   place for all bel  ievers it h  as so many room  s.
I  n Jerusalem Jer  usalem all r  oads lead to yo  u.
J  erusalem Jerus  alem your light i  s shining through.  
A  nd you will show show the w  ay to al  l who see it sh  ine
T  hat we can live in pe  ace in Je  rusalem this ti  me.
Y  es we can live in pe  ace in Je  rusalem    this ti  me.


[anonyme], version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2023-05-28
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