Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
Intro :           
  Windows in a silent room  sunlight burns the walls to black
   Angles and dimensions melt while colors drip and pillows crack
   Reflections of my memories like pictures pasted on a sheet
   The ribbon film of separate frames l  ying curled up at my feet
  The film is just a snake design and the p  hoto  graphs are fading fast
  These are not memories of mine I h  ave no future no past
  I've seen a thousand afternoons dissolve into the night
  Like sugar crystals on a spoon they disappear from sight
G  ray days from the c  rispest morning to the w  armest af  ternoon    in this r  oom
  And I like to draw the face I saw so long ago   
  My image in the mirror t  ells the jagged lines w  hich way to go
   The black and white d  escription of the s  ole survivor o  f the Holocaust
  All the rest were lost
  Do you see this paper face? It has no color or no mood
   My eyes are ageless as am I. I need no sleep I need no food
   I an a king but like a child the other children laugh at me
T  ongues of fire wagging wild   they dance around me merrily
  I'll kill them all and if I fail I  'll   kill whoever I can find
  Then they'll beg me to be kind
  My eyes have seen far more than eyes can ever tell
  This planet plunged through mushroom fires of earthly hell
    I know that my sweet J  esus said that h  e'd ret  urn
But B  abylon has f  allen and the c  ities    burn   


[anonyme], version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2023-08-15
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