Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :David Bowie
Tonalité :
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
Intro :     
When I'm f  ive
I will w  ash my face and hands all b  y myself  
W  hen I  'm five  
I will c  hew and spit tobacco like my   grandfather j  ones
'cause I'm o  nly four and five is far aw  ay   
When I'm f  ive
I will r  ead the magazines in m  ummy's drawer  
W  hen I'  m five  
I will w  alk behind the soldiers in the   may day para  de
'cause I'm o  nly four and grown-ups walk too f  ast   
Y  esterday was h  orrid day 'cause R  aymond kicked my s  hin
And m  ummy says if I am g  ood she'll let me g  o to school in   august
Daddy s  houted loud at m  ummy and I d  ropped my toast at b  reakfast
And I l  aughed when bonzo l  icked my f  ace because it t  ickled
I w  onder why my daddy cries and h  ow I wish that I was nearly f  ive   
When I'm f  ive
I will c  atch a butterfly and eat it and I w  on't be sick  
W  hen I  'm five  
I will j  ump in puddles laugh in church and   marry my mu  m
And I'll l  et my daddy do the washing-u  p    
I  f I close one e  ye the people o  n that side can't s  ee me
I get h  eadaches in the m  orning and I r  ode on freddie's t  riclycle
And everyw  here was funny w  hen I ran d  own to the s  weetshop
Then I f  ell and bleeded-u  p my knee and e  verybody s  oppied me
I s  aw a photograph of jesus a  nd I asked him if he'd make me f  ive  
I   saw   a photograph of j  esus and I asked him if   he'  d make me five
When I'm f  ive  
W  hen I  'm five       
W  hen I  'm oah  


Bobbywind, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-01
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