Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :David Bowie
Tonalité :
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
M  ountains of Lhasa are f  eeling the rain
P  eople are walking the B  otella lanes
P  reacher takes the s  chool
O  ne boy breaks a r  ule
Silly Boy B  lue ooo blue Silly Boy B  lue    
Y  ak butter statues that m  elt in the sun
C  annot dissolve all the w  ork you've not done
A   chela likes to f  eel
That his o  verself pays the b  ill
Silly Boy B  lue o  oo b  lue ooo ooo o  ooo Silly Boy B  lue    
Yo  u wi  sh and wish and wi  sh again
You've t  ried so hard to f  ly
Y  ou'll never leave your b  ody now
Y  ou've got to wait to d  iiiiiiiiiii  ie
(key change bass leads walkdown -     #)        
L  a la la la la la la l  a la la la
L  a la la la la la la l  a la la la
L  a la la la la L  a
L  a la la la la L  a
Silly Boy B  lue o  oo b  lue ooo ooo o  ooo Silly Boy B  lue    
C  hild of Tibet you're a g  ift from the sun
R  eincarnation of o  ne better man
The h  omeward road is l  ong
You've l  eft your prayers and s  ong
Silly Boy B  lue o  oo b  lue ooo ooo o  ooo Silly Boy B  lue...


tankadidi, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2023-02-03
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