Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :David Bowie
Tonalité :
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
B  ow bells strike   another night
Your e  yes are heavy and your l  imbs all ache
Y  ou've bought some coffee b  utter and bread
You c  an't make a thing 'cause the   meter's dead
You've m  oved away    
Told your f  olks you're gonna stay a  way
B  right lights Soho W  ardour Street
You h  ope you make friends with the g  uys that you meet
S  omebody shows you r  ound
N  ow you've met the L  ondon Boys
T  hings seem good again
S  omeo  ne c  ares about y  ou    
Oh the f  irst time that you t  ry a pill
You f  eel a little queasy deci  dedly ill
You're g  onna be sick but you m  ustn't lose face
To l  et yourself down would be a b  ig disgrace
With the L  ondon Boys   
With the L  ondon Boys   
You're o  nly seventeen but you t  hink you've grown
In the m  onth you've been away from your p  arents' home
You t  ake the pills too m  uch
You d  on't give a damn about the j  ob you've got
So l  ong as you're with the L  ondo  n Bo  ys            
A L  ondon Boy oh a L  ondon Boy
Your f  lashy clothes are your p  ride and joy
A L  ondon Boy yes a L  ondon Boy
You're c  rying out loud that you're a L  ondon Boy
You t  hink you've had a l  ot of fun
But you a  in't got nothing you're o  n the run
It's t  oo late now 'cause you're o  ut there boy
You've g  ot it made with the r  est of the toys
N  ow you wish you'd never l  eft your home
You've g  ot what you wanted but you're o  n your own
With the L  ondon B  oys   
N  ow you've met the L  ondon B  oys   
N  ow you've met the L  ondon B  oys   
N  ow you've met the L  ondon B  oys    


Bobbywind, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-11-23
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