Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
Intro :                       
A   cigaret  te that bears a lips  tick's traces
  an airline tick  et to romanti  c places             
A  nd still my he  art has wings   these
foolish   things remind   me of you                
A   tinkling pia  no in the next apa  rtment    
T  hose stumblin' wo  rds that told you wh  at my he  art meant
A fa  irground's p  ainted swi  ngs these
fo  olish things   remind   me of you                
Y  ou came   you saw   you c  onquered me    
W  hen y  ou did t  hat to m  e I knew   somehow   this had   to be  
T  he winds of Ma  rch that make my he  art a d  ancer a telephone that r  ings but who's to   answer             
O  h how the   ghost of you c  lings these
f  oolish thing  s remind   me o  f you                    
T  he scent of smouldering   leaves the wail of s  teamers         
T  wo lovers on the street   who walk like dream  ers   
O  h how the g  host of you cl  ings these
foo  lish things   remind me   of you                            
H  ow strange      how sw  eet      to find you s  till
T  hese th  ings are d  ear to m  e they seem   to bri  ng so you ne  ar to me  
T  he sigh of m  idnight trains in   empty st  ations
silk stockin  gs thrown aside dance i  nvitations         
O  h how the   ghost of you c  lings these
f  oolish thing  s remind   me of you
R  emind   me of yo  u    r  emind   me   of you        rem  ind m  e of   you               


tonibarlo, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-11-25
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