Artistes :

Titres :

Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
   Said "what's wrong my longtime friend?"
S  omething's bothering yo  u
T  ell me wh  at the pro  blem is  
I'll se  e what I can do
T  here are times we disagree
We agre  e more than we do  n't
W  e won't a  lways see e  ye to eye  
But we   will more than we won't
We got fr  iendshi  p
The kind that lasts a li  fetime  
Through all the ha  rdshi  p you kno  w you're a fr  iend of min  e
We got fr  iendsh  ip
The kind that lasts a li  fetime  
Through all the ha  rdship   you know   you're a fr  iend of min  e
I  f you're on the street I'll take your hand
If you're hu  ngry I'll give you foo  d
If it's m  oney you ne  ed I g  ot some sa  ved
If you're si  ck I'll visit you
I  've been where you are right now
You sa  w me through it a  ll
I'll le  an on y  ou you can le  an on m  e
I'm ne  ver gonna let you fall
'Cause we got fr  iendship  
The kind that lasts a li  fetime  
Through all the ha  rdshi  p you kno  w you're a fri  end of min  e
Yeah we got fr  iendshi  p
The kind that lasts a li  fetime  
Through all the ha  rdship   you kno  w you're a frie  nd of min  e
T  alk to me old pal of mine
If you fee  l you can't go o  n
Don't you swea  t it ain't over   yet
This bond we   share is stron  g
N  ow your welfare is my concern
You we  igh less than you thi  nk
I'll car  ry you   through t  he sinking san  d
S  ee if I'll let you sink
'Cause we got fri  endship  
The kind that lasts a li  fetime  
Through all the ha  rdship   you know   you're a frie  nd of min  e
Yeah we got fr  iendship  
The kind that lasts a li  fetime  
Through all the ha  rdship   you know   you're a friend   of mine
Yeah we got fr  iendship  
The kind that lasts a lif  etime  
Through all the har  dship   you know   you're a frien  d of min  e
Through all the har  dship   you know   you're a frien  d of min  e


Kyrstenaoda, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-28
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