Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Carla Bruni
Tonalité :
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
P  romise me no p  romises
So   will I not p  romise you
K  eep we both our l  iberties
  Never false and n  ever true
L  et us hold the die uncast
F  ree to come as f  ree to go
For I   cannot kno  w your past
  And of m  ine what can you k  now?               
Y  ou so warm may o  nce have been
W  armer towards ano  ther one
I   so cold may o  nce have seen
S  unlight once have f  elt the sun
W  ho shall show us if it was
T  hus indeed in t  ime of old?
F  ades the image f  rom the glass
A  nd the fo  rtune is not t  old                
I  f you promised you m  ight grieve
For l  ost liberty a  gain
I  f I promised I   believe
I should fr  et to break the c  hain
L  et us be the friends we were
N  othing more but n  othing less
M  any thrive on f  rugal f  are
W  ho would p  erish of e  xcess                
P  romise me no pr  omises
P  romise me no p  romises
So   will I not p  romise you
K  eep we both our l  iberties
  Never false and n  ever true
L  et us hold the die uncast
F  ree to come as f  ree to go
For I   cannot kno  w your past
  And of m  ine what can you k  now?                
I  f you promised you m  ight grieve
For l  ost liberty a  gain
I  f I promised I   believe
I should fr  et to break the c  hain
L  et us be the friends we w  ere
N  othing more but n  othing less
M  any thrive on frugal f  are
Who would p  erish of e  xcess
    P  romis  es l  ike pie-crust
    P  romis  es l  ike pie-crust
    ..  .                   


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Dernière modification : 2022-10-31
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