Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Robert Dylan
Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
I'm   out here a t  housand m  iles from my   home
W  alkin' a ro  ad other m  en have gone d  own
I'm s  eein' your w  orld of p  eople and t  hings
Your p  aupe  rs and pe  asants and pri  nces a  nd kin  gs
Hey   hey Woody G  uthrie I wr  ote you a s  ong
'Bout a f  unny ol' w  orld that's a  -comin' a  long
Seems s  ick an' it's h  ungry it's t  ired and it's t  orn
It lo  oks l  ike it's a d  yin' an' it's h  ardly   been bo  rn
He  y Woody Gut  hrie but I k  now that you kn  ow
All the t  hings that I'm a s  ayin' an' a  -many times m  ore
I'm a-s  ingin' you the s  ong but I c  an't sing e  nough
'Cause there's    not   many m  en that done th  ings y  ou don  e
Here's to C  isco an' S  onny an' L  eadbelly t  oo
An' to a  ll the good p  eople that t  raveled with y  ou
H  ere's to the h  earts and the h  ands of the m  en
That c  ome   with the du  st and are go  ne wit  h the win  d
I'm a-  leavin' to  morroe but I c  ould leave t  oday
Somew  here d  own the road s  omeday    
The v  ery last t  hing that I'd w  ant to d  o
Is to    say    I've   been hittin' some ha  rd tra  velin' too  


rafiki_castor, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-10-09
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