Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Robert Dylan
Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
D/F# : 2x0232
D/A  : x04232
G/A  : x05435
Intro :
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    Precious a  ngel   under the s  un
   How was I to k  now     you'd be the o  ne
  To show me I was b  linded   to show me I was g  one
  How weak was the found  ation I was   standing up  on?
    Now there's spiritual w  arfare and flesh and b  lood breaking down   
   Ya either got faith or ya g  ot unbelief and there ain't n  o neutral g  round
  The enemy is s  ubtle   how be it we are so dec  eived
  When the truth's in our h  earts and we s  till don't bel  ieve?
  Shine your l  ight   shine your light on m  e
  Shine your l  ight   shine your light on m  e
  Shine your l  ight   shine your light on m  e
Ya know I j  ust couldn't make it by mys  elf
I'm a l  ittle too b  lind to s  ee
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  My so-called f  riends have f  allen under a spell  
  They look me squarely in the e  ye and they s  ay "All is w  ell"
  Can they imagine the d  arkness that will f  all from on h  igh
When m  en will beg God to kill t  hem and they w  on't be able to die?   
  Sister lemme t  ell you a  bout a vision I s  aw
You were d  rawing water for your h  usband you were s  uffering under the law  
You were t  elling him about B  uddha you were t  elling him about Mohammed in one b  reath
You never m  entioned one time the M  an who came and d  ied a criminal's d  eath
  Shine your l  ight   shine your light on m  e
  Shine your l  ight   shine your light on m  e
  Shine your l  ight   shine your light on m  e
Ya know I j  ust couldn't make it by mys  elf
I'm a l  ittle too b  lind to s  ee
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  Precious a  ngel   you believe me when I s  ay
  What God has g  iven to us no m  an can take away   
  We are covered in b  lood girl you k  now our forefathers were s  laves
Let us h  ope they've found mercy   in their b  one-filled g  raves
  You're the queen of my f  lesh girl you're my w  oman you're my delight  
  You're the lamp of my s  oul girl   and you torch up the n  ight
  But there's violence in the e  yes girl so let u  s not be enti  ced
On the w  ay out of Egypt through Et  hiopia to the j  udgment hall of C  hrist
  Shine your l  ight   shine your light on m  e
  Shine your l  ight   shine your light on m  e
  Shine your l  ight   shine your light on m  e
Ya know I j  ust couldn't make it b  y myself
I'm a l  ittle too b  lind to s  ee
   Shine your l  ight s  hine your light on me  )
   Shine your l  ight s  hine your light on me  )
   Shine your l  ight s  hine your light on me  )...


Guitare1958, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-12-11
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